BridgeField Group

Personal Branding is Business Development

A Rose by Another Name… There’s a lot being said around the idea of personal branding, but personal branding is nothing new. Lawyers, accountants, and other service professionals have always had to maintain a personal brand. Everyone else is catching-up. We’ve just called it by another name – business development.

In a recent Fast Company article, Lisa Skeete Tatum, CEO and cofounder of Landit said, “the way you’re seen and spoken about by your coworkers and peers inevitably adds up to a brand profile, so you might as well shape it intentionally”.

This is also true online. You have a brand, and it’s visible whether you’ve intentionally crafted one or not. A minimum online presence might include a website bio and a strong LinkedIn profile. It’s also important to note that 88% of clients now report they trust online recommendations as much as personal referrals. If you’re not visible online, if your profile is outdated, or if it’s only minimally filled, then that forms an impression. It becomes part of your brand.

Does that seem harsh?

Not according to Inc. columnist, Nicholas Cole:

“When you meet with someone, what do you do beforehand? You look them up online.

What do you do after that coffee meeting? You look them up online.

What do you do when you’re trying to figure out how you can work together? You look them up online.

What do you do when you’re choosing between working with one person versus another person?

You look them up online.

Whether you call it personal branding or business development, the goal always has been and remains staying top of mind- which is frequently called visibility. While the tools and platforms have increased, the basics have remained the same. It’s about building relationships.

An old adage says: people buy from people that they know, like, and trust. Your online presence gives your potential clients more opportunities to find and to get know you, but it’s important to ensure that the message they are receiving is the one you want them to hear.